I love the Souls franchise and found some great anime opening compilations that I can’t not share anymore. Number seven has heartrecords english cover 9mm Parabellum Bullet Inferno.
I want video games to make openings as marketing material. Watch this and you will be compelled to buy/play this game! Already making plans to utilize concepts for marketing material!
0:07 - wide landscape shots are used but in a rather interesting sequence where the pan up to a tower smash cuts to a scene of a tower in the same position in the composition. This is an excellent framing technique to keep from making transitions jarring. The scene is also darker, and works well for the pan down transition to a gate leading into darkness.
0:07-0:22 - some great slow pans of the protagonist at the non fires and The Darksign, which are key factors to the character’s journey. The fade in of the title fits perfectly with ...
This is a senior editor for Marvel that is complaining about over 150 (so less than 200) pages of scripts to read. Keep in mind a script format may be half a page of text.
If this is so hard for you woman you can take my job as a courtesy clerk fetching carts in all matter of weather and standing for over 5 hours, and I’ll use my self-taught talents to read and edit comics in an air conditioned office.
#comics #marvel #SJWs #lazypeople #popculture
I love the Souls franchise and found some great anime opening compilations that I can’t not share anymore. Number eight is also a Berserk opening, but this time by Susumu Hirasawa.
I want video games to make openings as marketing material. Watch this and you will be compelled to buy/play this game! Already making plans to utilize concepts for marketing material!
After watching the video multiple times, I feel that my prior method of breaking down the editing piece by piece would become repetitive. However, this should not be taken as me saying the video is boring. On the contrary, this may be my favorite video in terms of marketability.
The song is a perfect fit for the Dark Souls theme in terms of musical composition with brass and percussions are sprinkled with strings (and a harp!)
The song’s predictable melody makes the scenes very similar in length to the video’s benefit. No clip ...
I love the Souls franchise and found some great anime opening compilations that I can’t not share anymore. Next, for number six is yet another return of 9mm Parabellum Bullet, but Inferno is the opening for the Berserk Anime.
I want video games to make openings as marketing material. Watch this and you will be compelled to buy/play this game! Already making plans to utilize concepts for marketing material!
0:22 - A great start with bezier interpolation (changing speed from fast to slow or vice versa) on wide landscape shots. The shots of the back of the character then jumping off the ledge is perfect suit of the lyrics and the theme of Dark Souls. Fade in and out from black for text works great for plugging the title of the game.
0:23-0:37 - awesome lineup of starting bosses and roaming hazzards. Footage from gameplay makes this better to use as adverting the in-game graphics with the cinematic. One thing I think ...
I love the Souls franchise and found some great anime opening compilations that I can’t not share anymore. Number five on the list is a reappearance of 9mm Parabellum Bullet - Sacrifice, (but @blackwaterodysee may like this one more with it being more concentrated than the former.)
I want video games to make openings as marketing material. Watch this and you will be compelled to buy/play this game! Already making plans to utilize concepts for marketing material!
0:13 - a solid start with a pan up on what I believe is Filianore (correct me if I’m wrong), then three smash cuts to black where the title card fades in to the introduction of the guitar riff. Not uber original, but not a bad start.
0:14-23 - two nice helicopter camera shots, which I admit I’m a sucker for whenever used. The three smash cut sequences following have a similar issue of not having a lot of narrative weight or gameplay action compared to ...